Monday, March 25, 2013

52 Ways to Use Your VRPS Membership: Week 13, VRPS Magazine

VRPS Magazine
by Nancy Turnage, VRPS Central Office

Amy-Jo Hendrix of Town of Vienna Parks & Recreation began editing the VRPS Magazine in 2007.  She thinks.  After over six years of Spring, Summer, and Fall editions, Amy-Jo has it down to a science.  Start to finish, it takes her about 16 labor-hours total, per edition.  That's 48 hours each year.

How long does the entire process take?  According to Jim Stutts, VRPS Executive Director, the answer is about 12 weeks from concept to delivery:
  1. Amy-Jo looks for topics from members and agencies that would be valuable to jurisdictions throughout the Commonwealth.
  2. DAY 1:  About thirty days prior to deadline, she contacts Directors and requests articles.
  3. DAY 14:  She reminds them two weeks later.
  4. DAYS 15-29:  As the articles come in, she logs, reads, and proofs.
  5. ARTICLE DEADLINE DAY, #30:  She sends them to the graphic designer for layout.
  6. DAY 44:  The graphic designer completes the first draft.
  7. DAYS 45- 51:  Proofing revisions are exchanged and the final draft eventually approved.  Multiple pairs of eyes at the VRPS Central Office assist with the proofing as well.  
  8. DAYS 52-53:  The graphic designer sends the finished product to the printer.  The printer preps the electronic proof for hardcopy and sends the final to Central Office for review.
  9. DAYS 54-84:  Once approved, the proof goes to print.  The printer ships the finished product to the mailing house.  The mailing house applies labels, sorts, and delivers to the USPS.
  10. DAY 84:  Central Office posts the online edition using ISSUU to a member-secure portion of the website.
What happens after DAY 84?  Amy-Jo takes a break for a little over a month and then begins the cycle again.  But, of course, during that month she's got her ear to the ground, finding prospective article topics for the next edition.

Thanks Amy-Jo.

Staying Strong, Relevant, and Engaged.

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