Monday, March 18, 2013

52 Ways to Use Your VRPS Membership: Week 12, Certifications

by Nancy Turnage, VRPS Central Office


According to the National Recreation and Park Association, thousands of people who are committed to fostering the highest standards of ethical and professional practice in the delivery of park and recreation programs and services do so by means of national certification.


1. Greater career opportunities and advancement
2. Demonstration of your commitment to the parks and recreation profession
3. Enhanced quality of parks and recreation services nationwide
4. Recognition for your accomplishments and ability to meet national standards
5. Expansion of your skills and knowledge through continuing professional development

After all that diligence and effort, VRPS assists in keeping you certified by offering classes, workshops, and events in which you can earn CEUs.

What is a CEU?  One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.  Certificants are all required to earn 2.0 or more CEUs during each certification period:  the number of CEUs required and the length of the certification period varies according to type of certification. 

Staying Strong, Relevant, and Engaged.

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