Monday, July 29, 2013

52 Ways to Use Your VRPS Membership: Week 31, Repurposing

Question:  what do you do with mislabeled jerseys?
Answer:  donate them to a fellow VRPS member to benefit the community.

by Jim Stutts, VRPS Executive Director, and Nancy Turnage, VRPS Central Office
re·pur·pose  (r-pûrps)
tr.v. re·pur·posedre·pur·pos·ingre·pur·pos·es
To use or convert for use in another format or product.

Wayne Vaughan is Sales Manager at Promotional Considerations, a VRPS Commercial Member that recently relocated to the City of Richmond.  Wayne contacted Jim Stutts, VRPS Executive Director, because he had two-dozen middle school soccer jerseys available for donation.  The high quality jerseys had been mislabeled when printed, and both Wayne and Promotional Considerations wanted to make them available to a youth group.

On Friday, July 26, 2013, Wayne and Promotional Considerations donated the jerseys to the City of Richmond Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities via Charles Hester, 1998 VRPS President and current VRPS Foundation Board member.  Thanks to Promotional Considerations for their donation and exemplifying the mission of VRPS:

The Virginia Recreation and Park Society is a private, non-profit professional organization, founded in 1953 and incorporated in 1956.  Its purpose is to unite all professionals, students, and interested lay persons engaged in the field of recreation, parks and other leisure services in the Commonwealth of Virginia, into one body.  The members work together to promote and improve the profession in all its diversity.

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